The Vision
The Molitor International Training Initiative provides people with the motivation, hope, and skills needed to successfully bring excellence into their work, home, and personal lives. This is accomplished through a world-class learning experience with special emphasis on leadership, life skills, introduction to business and entrepreneurship, and interpersonal relationships.
“The MITI course boosted my self-esteem and made me believe that anything is possible with hard work. ”
The Education and Training Process
MITI provides executive quality instruction and materials in the skills needed for our students to succeed in a wide variety of vocations and in their personal lives. It does so by offering the students 60 hours of instruction that are tailored for a variety of learning styles.
Each student receives a comprehensive workbook and a day planner/journal to track progress. Courses are taught by certified classroom instructors and by top professionals on video tape. A unique video series called “Overcomers” is also utilized in the course. These videos feature a diverse group of individuals that have overcome significant challenges in life, and gone on to become successful in many areas, providing much needed role models for our students.
At some locations, mentors work with students to assist in lesson retention and life application, and to answer questions that arise after formal class time. Mentors also provide caring support as the students are stretched beyond their previously known limits. Each mentor must meet a strict set of ethical and professional standards before he/she is allowed to interact with any students.
By offering executive quality instructional experiences that are supported by compassionate mentoring, we create opportunities for participants to compete in the marketplace with people having more formal education.
The Goal
Each graduate of the Molitor International Training Initiative will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the following:
Leadership Skills
Interpersonal Skills
Life Skills
Basic Understanding of Business
All MITI activities will be conducted in a manner that builds positive self-images, instills hope, builds confidence, facilitates healing from past negative experiences, and inspires our students to pursue excellence in every aspect of their lives.
MITI produces highly skilled, highly motivated individuals that can apply their new knowledge in many different realms. Their commitment to excellence will renew their communities, their families, and personal lives. As a result, we will see people's full potential realized, communities revitalized, families strengthened, and the next generation of children being loved, appreciated, equipped, mentored and challenged to succeed in their own life's callings.
Proven Results
For many years, the profound impact of the MITI course on young people has been evident. Not only have the students' lives been transformed during the course, but follow-up has proven that the benefits of the MITI course last for many years. Recently, we wanted more proof that our course really worked. So, a professional, independent company, The Legacy Center for Student Success in Midland, MI., conducted an in-depth study that provides even more confirmation of the positive impact the MITI course has on thousands of our graduates. What follows are excerpts from the study conducted by Dr. Jacquelyn Light.
During the summer and fall of 2010, 47 students participated in the ROCK Exposure Program and were introduced to the MITI by trained staff in Midland, Michigan.
Students were surveyed before the program began and after the program ended in order to collect basic demographic information and to assess their levels of Developmental Assets. The pre-test mean composite scores fell within the ‘Low’ or ‘Fair’ range for all of the developmental asset categories measured (Support, Empowerment, Boundaries and Expectations, Constructive Use of Time, Commitment to Learning, Positive Values, Social Competencies, and Positive Identity).
As a group, the students scored higher on all of the eight developmental asset categories after participating. In 6 of the 8 asset areas, this difference was statistically significantly. Thus, the curriculum positively impacts students in a number of ways. The most significant difference was seen in the developmental asset category Positive Identity. This suggests that the students have higher levels of self-esteem and see a more positive view of their future after participating in the program.
Testimonies from Students...
How has this course changed your way of thinking about yourself?
It made me think that anyone can accomplish their goals and dreams if only they put some effort into it.
It helped to boost my self-esteem by giving me a better look on life and making me believe that anything is possible.
It has energized me to have a successful life in business (a career) and in my personal life. I feel that I have more direction now.
It helped the way I look at life. If I work hard, I will get paid back in the long run.
It showed me how to forgive myself.
It has made me think I can do much more and do much better than what I was doing.
It changed me a lot at first. I had a low self-esteem but now I like being myself.
I have more respect for myself, as a result of MITI.
How has this course prepared you to keep a job and to get promoted on the job?
This will help me on the job because I now understand proper behavior and conduct on the job.
This course showed me what to do in certain situations. It also made me more determined to do the best that I can while I am working.
This course taught me to always work hard and keep my head up.
By making me become a better person. It really has changed me from the way I used to be.
I'm 22, and if I would have known half of the things I was taught here (in MITI) beforehand, it would have helped me keep and appreciate jobs.
How has this course taught you to get along better with others?
They've taught me to let go of the little things I can't control.
I'm less likely to blow up at people.
By the understanding, caring, and empathy lessons that we were taught
By allowing me to see different perspectives and allowing me to think in a professional manner.
This course taught me how to listen better, how to resolve conflicts, how to apologize when I’m wrong, and how to always understand that I am part of the problem in some way.
This course taught me to tell others how I really feel.
Trusting them and making better relationships.
Give people a chance and get an understanding of others' situations.
Have trust in your friends and family and also listening - it's the key to everything.
Be respectful of people.
To accept the person for being who they are and don't try to change them and you will get along better with the person.
Not to judge a book by the cover
How has this course or the facilitators made you feel about your future?
This had made me feel that I could really be successful and that I really have a future.
Now I'm glad I went to the Juvenile Care Center. I've learned things to keep my life on track.
Because of MITI, I've decided I want to be a special ed teacher, a pediatric nurse or an emergency room nurse.
This has made me feel excited, like I have a successful future. It has made me feel confident in myself.
My future will be what I want it to be if I work hard and communicate better.
I feel that no matter what, I will always have people who can help me.
Without this program, this kid would still be out on the streets.
It helped me have insight on the real world.
It has made me think I can do much more and do much better than what I was doing.